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GRATIS biaya pengiriman khusus wilayah JABODETABEK
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Dijual oleh : DMS
Standalone, Windows 7/8/10, Android, Ipad, Physics : Ambient Temperature & Accelerometer (3 Axis), Biochemistry & Environment : GPS, Ambient Temperature, & Barometer, 100,000/s, 12 bit, 7 Lightning connector, 21g - 27g (Depend on each sensor), ɸ=170mm H=46mm, 271g, 3,5' TFT 480*320 Touchscreen, -10 to 50 C, 5V 1A, 4MB, 1800mAh Lion battery, > 150 hours, Bluetooth 2.0 & 4.0, English & Indonesia, Compact size, easy to carry, can be used for indoor and outdoor experiment, hot swap type sensor modules, & easy to use for user, Physic : Grey, Biochemistry : Light Blue, Environment : Green, Real-time gathering data collection from 7 sensors at the same time, Displayed on digital, bar and graph format, 11 optional time interval for each unlimited number of experiment, Data record automatically saved to internal memory, 4 points calibration, Real-time gathering data collection from up to 7 sensors at the same time, 2 optional total amount of data acquisition (time or count), 9 optional interval of data acquisition frequency, Experimental process can be replay to improve the understanding, Basic information can be display by specific area selection, Changeable graphic display, 8 display mode availabe, Experimental report can be save into rtf format, Formula editor, Variable editing.
Standalone, Windows 7/8/10, Android, Ipad, Physics : Ambient Temperature & Accelerometer (3 Axis), Biochemistry & Environment : GPS, Ambient Temperature, & Barometer, 100,000/s, 12 bit, 7 Lightning connector, 21g - 27g (Depend on each sensor), ɸ=170mm H=46mm, 271g, 3,5' TFT 480*320 Touchscreen, -10 to 50 C, 5V 1A, 4MB, 1800mAh Lion battery, > 150 hours, Bluetooth 2.0 & 4.0, |
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GRATIS biaya pengiriman khusus wilayah JABODETABEK